Monday, July 16, 2012

Making an Annie Dress

My daughter wanted an Annie dress to wear to the play we were seeing. So I the talented seamstress thought I could whip one up no problem. Wrong.. this took a lot of planning and 3 hours of time to get to the final result.
How I did it:
 I used this pattern for the basis of the dress. Go a size up because this dress runs small.
 For the collar and neckline I tucked a piece of black piping in the give the dress the touch of black it needed. Also I added the white belt across with more piping for the final touch.
One you have completed this dress make sure to tack down your collar in the front and in the back. It called for double interfacing in the collar, but I think it was too much.
It looks really great I think... better than the one in the play honestly.
Happy Sewing!!